You should consider taking testosterone boosters if you’re struggling with low libido, chronic fatigue, and depression, as you might have testosterone deficiency. However, it is important to point out that your age plays a crucial role in this decision.
Understanding this role will help you get the best results while also avoiding potential side effects. So, what is the recommended age for taking these supplements? Let’s find out!
The relationship between testosterone and age
The relationship between testosterone and age is rooted in men’s physiology. Testosterone is an androgenic steroid hormone responsible for maintaining muscle and bone growth, as well as regulating libido and fertility.
Plasma testosterone concentration gets a steep increase during puberty in men. This increase is also responsible for the changes that are often associated with puberty: a deeper voice, axillary and pubic hair growth, and increased libido.
Puberty also results in peak testosterone concentration around the age of 18-19, and it starts declining from there. Research shows that your testosterone levels drop by about 1% every year after your 20s. This drop then increases to 2% a year after you’re past your 40s and goes down even further after your 50s.
One or two percent might not sound like much of a drop, but it can lead to a number of issues. The most common symptoms of age-related testosterone deficiency are:
That said, the rate of decline in testosterone levels can be slower or faster depending on your genetics, lifestyle, and diet.
Why teenagers should avoid these supplements
Too much of anything is bad, and testosterone is no exception. Its production is already at an all-time high during the teenage years. So, taking testosterone-boosting supplements during this period can throw off the delicate hormone balance in your body. Reputable associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics also advise against the use of testosterone boosters by teenagers.
Some reports also indicate a link between T boosters usage and issues like bone growth stagnation and increased acne in teenagers. Though it is important to keep in mind that there is a lack of controlled research regarding these negative effects, so take them with a grain of salt.
Even so, you should avoid using testosterone-boosting supplements during puberty because you simply don’t have to. Testosterone deficiency during puberty is extremely rare and not an issue for the vast majority of people. Even if that is the case, you should consult a medical professional instead of taking off-the-shelf T boosters.
When should I start?
There is no “best” age for taking testosterone boosters, as it mostly depends on the amount of testosterone your body produces on a regular basis. Testosterone levels between 300 and 1000 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) are normal for men past their 20s. So, you should consider taking T-boosting supplements if your T levels are below this mark.
Having said that, people often question if they should get tested for testosterone deficiency before taking T boosters. While knowing the exact testosterone concentration can make this decision easier, you can figure out when to start taking T boosters without the test. Some of the most prominent signs of testosterone deficiency include:
Erectile dysfunction
If you’re starting to notice the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, your testosterone levels might be getting too low. Taking T boosters early can reverse the situation and significantly reduce the risk of ED.
Decreased muscle mass
Testosterone has a direct correlation with muscle mass and growth. So, you might have low T if you notice a loss in muscle mass, especially if you haven’t changed your diet or physical activity level.
Chronic fatigue & low energy
Testosterone deficiency can lower your energy levels drastically — making you tired much more quickly. It can also lead to chronic fatigue that never seems to go away, no matter how much you rest.
Why should I start?
There are a lot of issues that can be fixed by consuming testosterone boosters on a regular basis. But the most common reasons to consider T-boosting supplements are:
Low testosterone
Testosterone boosters increase testosterone availability by increasing its production and halting its conversion into other hormones like estrogen. The D-aspartic acid in most of these supplements increases the secretion of luteinizing hormone — signaling the gonadal glands to kick testosterone production into high gear.
Other ingredients like Fenugreek are also surprisingly effective at counteracting testosterone deficiency. This effectiveness was proven in a 2017 study by Maheshwari et al. involving 50 male volunteers. The subjects were given a 500 mg dose of Fenugreek every day for 12 weeks. After the test period, 90% of the participants showed an average 46% increase in their testosterone levels.
Exercise boost
Taking testosterone boosters can increase your workout performance which allows you to work out harder and for longer periods of time. This is thanks to ingredients like magnesium that can boost energy levels by regulating protein synthesis, which in turn boosts muscle strength. Other ingredients like Fenugreek extract are also well-known for their positive impact on both upper and lower body strength without any noticeable side effects.
Low libido
Low libido is one of the most common symptoms of testosterone deficiency. Testosterone boosters can rectify this situation with ingredients like Korean Ginseng. This herb acts as an aphrodisiac and is proven to boost libido and overall satisfaction from intimate activities. Other components like Vitamin D can also counteract the early symptoms of erectile dysfunction before it becomes an issue.
Are there any risks associated with them?
No, not really. Testosterone boosters are generally quite safe for men, with zero noticeable side effects in most clinical trials. That said, you should not take testosterone supplements if your T levels are in the normal range of 300-1000 ng/dL. Doing so can result in a testosterone excess — increasing the risk of issues like high blood pressure, infertility, and liver damage.
Another thing to keep in mind is allergies. For instance, caffeine and vitamin B6 are two of the most common T booster ingredients. Their allergies are rare but can cause severe issues like intense headaches, face swelling, and dizziness. So, make sure to check the exact composition of T boosters before you start taking them.
Can women use them?
Yes, and no. Women can experience testosterone deficiency, but taking off-the-shelf testosterone boosters is not the right solution. T boosters designed for men can lead to issues like frontal balding, acne, irregular menstrual cycles, and excess body & facial hair in women.
So, what should they use? There are some testosterone boosters that advertise to be specifically for women. The authenticity of their claims have not been tested by any clinical trials or in-depth medical studies though. For now, the best option for women is to consult a medical professional if they have low T levels.
Alternatives to testosterone boosters
If you’re a bit cautious about taking testosterone boosters or don’t want to rely on supplements, here’s what else you can do to increase T levels:
Testosterone boosters seem to be an effective method of increasing testosterone concentration in men. Their ingredients — like D-aspartic acid, Fenugreek extract, Zinc, and Ginseng — are clinically proven to boost T production. So, should you take a testosterone booster? Yes, but only if you’re the right age.
These supplements are not suitable for teenagers. This is because testosterone levels peak during puberty, and consuming T boosters can cause hormonal imbalance. On the flip side, men over the age of 30 should be safe to consider testosterone supplementation since its production starts slowing down after they hit 20.